Friday 4 April 2014


Ready? Go! 

Greetings, my friend! Hope your week has been cool so far, the hot weather notwithstanding ;)

As a way of concluding this series, let's recap what we've said.

We've said that:
  • God has also expressed His love for us in innumerable ways, as seen in His love letter to us; and has made us to enjoy human companionship in the form of a boyfriend or girlfriend, however, He'd also like us to do it the right way;
  • We should strive to build and exhibit strong positive values and belief systems as defined by the Word and not the world;
  • And vitally important, lean not on our own understanding, rather, the Holy Spirit, to inform every decision we make.
Scripture says:

"How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark?
2 Corinthians 6:14; The Message Translation.

Therefore, before dating, both people must share the same set of beliefs and values system. This is so as to avoid friction.

Take for instance; a girl who believes that her guy loves her only when he spends extravagantly and recklessly for her may not match with a guy who believes in financial prudence and accountability. And that will stifle their relationship.

Many of such instances readily come to mind in regards to this. However, the crux of the matter should be agreement.
"Can two walk together without agreeing on the direction?"
Amos 3:3; New Living Translation.

Since dating is a partnership, there must be a reasonable level of agreement on core values such as financial & sex habits, self-discipline, integrity, fellowship with God, development of one another, etc. No one is ‘bossing’ the other person; both have equal say and contribution. Decisions to be made should be 'our decision' and not 'my decision' - we've got to agree, rather, reach a compromise.

Also, very importantly, both people should try as much as possible to share the same goals in life. Not when one is heading north, the other is heading down south, no! But share same direction in pursuit of life's goals.

These four precepts: "First Things First", "The Right Time", "Measuring Maturity" and "Ready? Go!" will go a long way in helping us, as young people, to put dating in the proper perspective. However, let me throw it in here that the suggestions I've shared are based largely on research, experience and with concrete confirmation from God's Word, the Bible; therefore, not everyone may agree with them. But hey buddy, that's okay, it's understandable. Just that I'd rather be scripturally correct than Politically Correct ("PC")!

I also like to consider them as suggestions and not commandments. Therefore, you have a choice in this. No one is shoving them down your throat; rather, they are placed before you to choose between doing it God's way and saving yourself all the trouble...or have it your way and brace up for whatever consequences may follow.

Hope you've enjoyed the entire series as much as I have. Please, leave your comments, contributions, questions or suggestions, as they can be of further help to others.

I love you, but God loves you more.

Enjoy your day.

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