Tuesday 4 March 2014


                                    PART 1A: Portrait of Love.

Hello friend,

Hope your week has been splendid thus far. Glad you could join me .

Last time, we started this series with "Love By the Book" as a way of introduction. In case you missed it, I wish you could briefly go and take a look by using the link provided. Since a lot has been covered in it, it will help you understand where this is coming from.

In this issue, we'll be taking a quick look at a word-picture of the portrait of love. And to do so, here's a poem I wrote a few years ago, upon discovery of what real love entails.
Here it comes.


Love cannot be drowned by flood;

It is bound by blood.

Love is not found in bed or at the beach;

Neither is it found in the oceans.

It is not expressed by emotions

'Cos love is not something you feel.

Love is WHO was seen

At the cross of Calvary for our sin.

Whenever I think of selfless love,

I picture Christ Jesus, LORD.

Oh, how could this be?!

HE decided to lay down HIS life for me.

Even though I was a wretch and such a mess,

HE loved me still and couldn't care less.

Even though I was least qualified to behold HIS face,

HE still looked upon me and showed HIS undeserved grace.

Even though most times I fail,

HE remains faithful and grants me bail.

HE was painfully abused;

That I may, of HIM be used.

HE suffered and endured great pain for us;

To show that HE is patient, kind, just.

HE was wounded and crushed for our sins -

Past, present and future, HE paid for since.

HE took on HIMSELF the punishment that we so richly deserved;

For us to be preserved.

HE was put to death without a fair trial;

That way HE paid all the sin-debt without fear or denial.

What's more? HIS blood was shed.

And with a crown of thorns on HIS head HE said,


In all this, HE put not a 'performance tag', but a 'choice tag',

"Believe in me and be saved."

For this reason, I, LOVE, came down.

Friend, there you have it.

Quite contrary to what the world paints as love, that is the portrait of love - REAL LOVE and that what it means to be loved. We just can't help but to just receive it. HE, Love, Jesus, came down to us, our mistakes and failures notwithstanding.

I'll leave you now to reflect on what we've shared today, and this verse of Scripture:

"This is the kind of love we are talking about -- not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God."
 -- 1 John 4:10; The Message Translation.

In our next issue: what if God wrote YOU a love letter? What would it look like? Join me then to discover.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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