Tuesday 4 March 2014


                                    PART 1B: Love Letter.

Hello awesome,

Nice to know you're there; what a privilege to have you.

Like I asked last time, what if God wrote YOU a love letter? How would it look like?
What did you come up with? How would you love to see my version? Alright then, let's do it!

But before then, just want to say the entire Bible is a honeycomb of love letters waiting to be harvested. It is dripping with the profound message of God's extravagant love for YOU. The Bible is God's Love Epistle to you. From cover to cover [except of course, for the copyright, concordance, appendixes and maps pages] it is smeared all over with the sweet-smelling fragrance of agape love and this sweet-smelling servor literally drenches the reader. So, all you have here is but a tiny fraction compared to what obtains at the mine. I want to believe you'll start scouting through the pages of your Bible for this - that is if you've not been doing so.

Before you delve into this love-mine, the Bible, let me fulfill the promise I made  from the outset.
Alright now, enjoy!

                                                                                                                       Dated: Since day one;

                                                                                         Before the foundations of the world.


Dear Abraham Ogbor, (please, insert your name)

I bless you as a father blesses his child (2nd Peter 1:2).

I think so much about you every moment of every second of your life - that's the only thing I do (Psalm 139:17,18). Just wanted you to know how much I love you.

I saw you ever before you were born; you were with Me and I destined you for a great purpose in the world to which I sent you (Jeremiah 1:5). It is still fresh in my memory like it happened just a moment ago. While your mom was pregnant with you, I meticulously knitted, weaved and designed you with incredible detail and great precision. The intricacy of your design is mind-boggling (Psalm 139:13,6).

From the getgo, I planned so many amazing things for you, you could never count if you tried (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 40:5). It will bring me great joy when you get to discover these (Colossians 1:9). In fact, I'll be right there waiting to help you discover them when you're ready - just call (Jeremiah 33:3). You see, as surely as I have made a trajectory for the lightning of the thunder (Job 28:26), even so have I made a path for your life and I'm committed to leading you in the way you should go, with my loving eyes on you to always keep you on track (Psalm 32:8).

Concerning your hair, child, I know the exact number of hairs on your head. Don't worry, if you're using a wig, I have not counted that as part of your hair; and in case you're bald, I have knowledge of that too. Bottom line is: YOU ARE PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL AND I ACCEPT YOU PERFECTLY JUST THE WAY YOU ARE (Matthew 10:29,30; Psalm 139:14).

Intrigued at my knowledge of the number of your hairs? You ain't seen nothing yet! What if I told you I know the exact number of stars up in the sky? And I call each of them by their names? (Psalm 147:4). Science has, on assumption, pegged the number at about 300 sextillion (i.e. 300000000000000000000000) ...pretty large, uh? But that's only an assumption, I know the exact number! I created them, remember?

Not only do I know the names of all that number of stars, but also I AM JEHOVAH ELOHIM and I know your name. See, I have addressed you by YOUR name even from the beginning of this letter (Isaiah 43:1). Yes, YOU!

Everything about you was meticulously planned out, keenly meditated upon and intelligently executed - complete before the foundations of the earth were laid (Ephesians 1:4). And all other such things as remain will be perfectly performed, to the last, minutest, infinitesimal detail (Job 23:14) - to a 0.000...to infinity degree of accuracy - it won't be long now before you see it, be patient and enjoy the ride (Deuteronomy 32:9-14).

It is no doubt that by now you have noticed how much I pay attention to details. Therefore, about that pimple on your nose, or the excess weight you gained, I am more concerned than you are (Jeremiah 8:21,22; 33:6). I coloured the vast skies, clouds and rainbow, yet I still have time to color the wings of a butterfly, even the wings of a newly hatched housefly. Yes, I made the sophisticated functioning of your brain, your complicated DNA structure...yet I still paid attention to those lines cris-crossing your palms and your finger print pattern. They are uniquely yours! Incredible?

Have you considered the brightly and beautifully colored birds and masterfully crafted flowers around you lately? (To tease your appetite, due to their infinite varieties, you may never get to see some of them). I made all of that, and I tell you, I am willing and earnestly desiring to give you more attention than these (Matthew 6:26-30). I'll give you a colorful life!

I love you so much I can't stand seeing you go through the pangs of broken relationships, or unplanned pregnancies, or the risk of contracting an STD! That is why I have asked that you abstain per-marital sex. I LOVE YOU, child. See, I have prepared the right man and the proper lady (Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 18:22; Isaiah 34:16). In My original plan, I never intended any marriage for divorce. No, a thousand times no! I am hurt when you are hurting (Jeremiah 8:21). I care about your relationships and want you to enjoy them...

My son/daughter, if I were to point out to you all the ways in which I love you, volumes, and volumes upon volumes will not be enough to hold even a jot of it.

...In addition, even though I knew in advance that you would go astray and forget Me, it didn't make me love you any less, not one bit! Quite contrary, it made Me love you all the more. That was why I asked My perfect Son, your Elder Brother (Romans 8:29), Jesus, to take your punishment upon Himself (Isaiah 53:5). On His own part, Jesus was willing and excited to be humiliated and murdered, so  that you could be eternally forgiven, liberated and healed (Isaiah 53:4,5; Psalm 103:3-5). Your Elder Brother loves you so much that He came down to the earth, laid down His life for you [while you were still in sin] (Philippians 2:5-8; Romans 5:8) and showed you exactly what I'm really like (1st John 4:16).

When you first came to me, I immediately accepted you into My own family of the BELOVED - a pretty large one (John 1:12; Hebrews 2:11). I forgave all your sins through the once-and-for-all sacrifice which Jesus offered for your sake (1st John 2:12-14; 2nd Corinthians 5:21). He cancelled your ticket to hell - I never prepared that place for you, but that was exactly where your sin was leading you (Matthew 25:14; 1st Corinthians 6:9-11) - and gave you the access code, of Heaven and to a Heaven-on-earth life (John 14:13,14; Revelation 12:11).

*If you haven't made a decision to come to Me, boy are you missing a great lot! (Romans 1o:8-13).*

About Jesus' death, I like to remind you that He is not still in the grave; come see the tomb! (Matthew 28:6). He is with Me in Heaven right now as we speak, sending His Calvary-love greeting to you. Actually, He is preparing a place for you, eagerly anticipating when you'll come join Us, at the same time praying for you (John 14:2; Hebrews 7:25).

Consequently, I would have you to know, very importantly, My child, that when Jesus left for Home He didn't just leave you as an orphan, no! He sent you My Spirit. You have, residing permanently on the inside  of you the full embodiment of Me in the Person of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and Friend - because you have believed in My Son (John 14:16-18; 1st John 4:15). You are never far from Me, (even though sometimes you feel that way). Truth is, I have your picture indelibly inscribed on the palm of My both hands, and oh what a beauty to behold! (Isaiah 49:16). When it's all said and done, friends betray you, family and loved ones let you down...even then remember, I am always with you (Proverbs 18:24; Psalm 46:1).

Furthermore, I am forever committed to you. There is no circumstance under which I will leave you or take My love away from you; nothing can (Hebrews 13:5; Romans 8:38,39). Even when you go through thick and thin and the worst of times, I'll be there to bring you through them stronger and better (Isaiah 43:1,2; Psalm 23:4). As a matter of fact, I'll so work behind the scenes to ensure that everything falls into place for your good (Psalm 16:6; Romans 8:28,29). That "surprised-and-overwhelmed-with-blessings-look" on your face greatly pleases My heart.

Also very crucially, don't give to thinking, even for a trifling moment, that you are a slave. No, a thousand times no! I am your Father, you are My son/daughter; a king/queen. So start living as one (Galatians 4:7; Revelation 5:10). That's kind of a gift I gave to you in the welcome party organized in your honour when you first believed in My Son (John 1:12; Luke 15:7,10).

You see child, Jesus did not only deliver you from sin and hell, but also granted you unrestricted access to all that is Mine - all the resources of Heaven are now at your command (Colossians 1:13,14; 2nd Peter 1:3,4; Hebrews 4:16). Still, is there anything you need right now? Ask Me for it. Even though I have given you all these and many more, I want you to ask Me for anything (Luke 11:9). I am your Good Father, I won't give you something bad (Matthew 7:11). Ask Me for great things because I most assuredly want to answer you (John 16:23). I have My Spirit readily on standby to help you when you don't know how or what to pray for (Romans 8:26). At your weakest moments, He'll infuse inner strength into your body (Philippians 4:13). Also, I know you get tempted to lose faith and what not. But don't worry, just know that I understand and have made provisions for that even before it ever arises (1st Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 4:15; 2nd Timothy 2:13).

Finally, My beloved child, it is My deepest pleasure and to your greatest excitement that I want you to be reminded that I am coming back pretty soon to get you out of this world so you can be with Me for eternity (Revelation 22:7; John 14:3; 1st Thessalonians 4:16-18) because I have loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).

Your Abba, Father (Galatians 4:6),

Jehovah Elohim.

P. S.

Just for a reminder, even though I greatly wish that you never forget. But in case you do forget  how much I love you;

  • look at the cross and see Jesus (Hebrews 12:2,3; John 15:13). ; or

  • take a look up at the heavens. Can you measure the distance? Alright, just assume. Multiply that distance one trillion times. What's the result? Even that result would be like comparing the size of a small dot made with a pencil on the corner of your room, to the size of the entire room; if your room were to symbolize My love towards you (Psalm 108:4).

Wowee! There you have it again, friend.

I can only imagine your reaction to it, but I am more concerned about your RESPONSE to God's extravagant and outlandish love.

You know, when we tell someone we love him/her, we expect that person to say something, and chances are, we almost always want to hear them say it back to us that they love us.

In the same way, God is eagerly awaiting your response. Won't you tell Him how much you love, trust  and appreciate Him today? He longs for a committed, beautiful and intimate relationship with you as His child for the rest of your life, even when you cross over to the other side on eternity.

Make a decision today. Remember, at the end of the day, only one vote counts - and that's yours!

In conclusion, my friend, I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have, it's length notwithstanding. Why don't we do it again next time, God willing? And next time we'd start looking at dating. I can't wait to know 'God's Heart for Relationships'...hope you'd join me then.

Till then;

I pray

"that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite Him in. And ask Him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! live full lives, full in the fullness of God."
(Ephesians 3:17-19, The Message Translation).

In Jesus' Name, amen.

Lots of love.

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